The Church of Scientology
of Johannesburg

It is with great pride we welcome you to our Church.
Originally established in 1957 as the first Church of Scientology in Africa, we hold an exceptional place in Scientology history. For it was in Johannesburg that the Founder of our religion, L. Ron Hubbard, made his home in the early 1960s and worked to bring the spiritual freedom of Scientology to our nation. Above all, it was here he sought to revitalise the indomitable African spirit—a spirit which, once sparked, could burn forth throughout the world and thus realise his prediction and his dream: “From Southern Africa will spring the next great civilization on this planet.”
Our Church complex in Kensington, together with our Dianetics and Scientology Life Improvement Centre in Braamfontein, stand in full representation of that dream—fulfilling Mr. Hubbard’s vision that every Church of Scientology become what he termed an Ideal Organisation (Org). An Ideal Org provides the ideal facilities to service Scientologists on their ascent to higher states of spiritual awareness and freedom. Moreover, it is designed to serve as a home for the entire community and a meeting ground of cooperative effort to uplift all people, regardless of colour, creed or social standing.
It has been our privilege through the years to collaborate with thousands of individuals and organisations dedicated to creating a thriving future for our Rainbow Nation. We look forward to working together with countless more to realise the hopes and dreams of the next great civilisation indeed.
Our doors are open. Our help is yours.

In addition to our main Church in the Kensington district, our Dianetics and Scientology Life Improvement Centre stands across the Nelson Mandela Bridge in Braamfontein, neighbouring Witwatersrand University. The Centre is open daily and houses course rooms and seminar facilities providing the full range of Introductory Services.
L. Ron Hubbard’s
Johannesburg Home

Scientology Founder L. Ron Hubbard’s original home in Johannesburg stands as a fully restored landmark high on Linksfield Ridge.
In 1960 Mr. Hubbard travelled from his residence in southern England for an extended stay in this city, to assist and support a growing Scientology movement in South Africa. It was here he developed introductory services of the religion, with the Johannesburg Church swiftly becoming the fastest growing Scientology Church in the world.

Dedicating the first Ideal Church of Scientology on the African continent, Mr. David Miscavige, Chairman of the Board of Religious Technology Center and ecclesiastical leader of the Scientology religion, addressed South African Scientologists and honored guests at the opening of the new Church of Scientology of Johannesburg on November 2, 2003.